Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Aku adalah antara org yg maleh nak dgr sangat propaganda2 in the internet. To me, internet is used to share and spread knowledge. Opening up the world for everyone. Definitely, ramai yg abuse the service.


I am a muslim but I dare say that I do not believe in such big fuss over coca cola to be la Muhammad and la mekah. Yes, the drink is not healthy for mankind but to that extend?


I just received an email from a co-worker on CROCS. Wtf? Me and her- we have no grudge against another. (I don’t usually have any grudge with my officemates cause I just don’t care enough about them..) anyway, she definitely know that I wear crocs to work. I walk a lot. There. Then this email came and its about the lambang to be lambang Allah. Supposedly muslims are wearing them on the tapak of the shoe, as tho memijak Allah? You gotta be kidding me? That too? Some jewish/ Christian way to disgrace islam?

I am definitely not that of a secular nor I am a pious muslim. But I am a muslim, loving my god, Allah. I do not wear crocs and damned now as tho I am memijak Allah.


I just don’t get it why some just get tooo far when it comes to this sort of stuff. You don’t know for real. If it is true then I don’t think Allah marah kat kita but to those intentionally disgracing Him. But, to doubt every single thing what the west created and to turn it into a religious war.. that aint right.


Why do we have to spread hate?

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.-MOZART-





Anonymous said...

Yeah, I heard of the Coca Cola legend in the '90s. I didn't believe it then I don't believe it now. It's just an urban legend. In the internet you can start any kind of rumour and it will be repeated by people without thinking. Both funny and dangerous at the same time.

aisyah said...

very true. maleh nak percaya, even maleh to layan sometimes.

shazzain said...

What's the legend about? Mcm tak penah dgr or tak ingat..or never bothered to read those kinda mails..heh

aisyah said...

its about the trademark of coke- coca cola to be La Muhammad La Mekah, meaning no Muhammad, no mekah, but you have to do some sort of pain ass adobe editing- mirroring the word, add some smudges etc.. to get the arabic words recognised.
dont you think its a bit absurd for some one to think of all that trouble? maybe they were but i dont buy it.
but most of all, i dont like the hatred being spread because of it. elok2 boleh minum, for those who loved them, da ade guilty feeling pulak. well, its my 2 cents anyway. org lain, lain pandangan ye tak?