hmm.. aku actually da malas nak nangis2 lagi la.. cukup la nangis ngan mak and adik beradik aku bile terkenangkan ayah..
well friends, changes yg aku dok sucked in coping is the death of my beloved dad. tapi aku bersyukur everything went well and eventho sedih yg teramat sgt, bile diteliti balik, the whole process of him passing away tu berjalan dgn sebaik mungkin. you see, my dad jenis x suka susahkan anak2 die (as tho kitorg akan rase disusahkan laa kan dgn permintaannye?). conveniently, mase die pergi, all his children were by his side, all cucu2 ade termasuk his latest which is Busyra (aku ingat lagi yg he gave a responce bile aku bawak busyra jumpe die, angkat tangan die usap kepala busyra... kakak aku cakap for the 2 days die not giving any responce, he did when aku bawak busyra...) aku pun da kuat sket from the operation, leh la dukung busyra sendiri bawak kat ayah... adik aku tgh cuti... memang what he wanted, He granted it for him. ayah pernah pesan kat my lil brother yg if he goes, he wanted to go at home, where anak2 die leh ajar die 'la ila ha illallah'.. die nak sumer anak2 and his wife to be with him.. granted by Allah...
ntahla.. sedih plak kenang that day. all the emotions.. hmm.. macam mana la azury felt when her dad passed away last time... sbb, kekadang aku ade gak terase.. cucu2 ayah masih kecik lagi die da pergi.. azury lagi sedih agaknye kan? aku patut bersyukur dgn keadaan sekarang. ade org lagi teruk.. bapa meninggal time kecik la.. accident la... hish nauzubillah...
well.. yg remain dgn aku sekarang is the memories and his advices. antara yg aku sgt ingat la kan..
~ kak teh, Allah bagi kakteh rezeki semua nih sbb hubungan suami isteri tu intim.
ayah mmg slalu tekankan on the relationship in marriage. he emphasize on remaining romantic between the husband and wife. so, this was his comment when i told him on my recent promotion..
~ walau letih skalipun, kakteh, nasik nak kasi suami makan kene masak dgn tangan kakteh sendiri. jangan kasi org gaji masakkan...
his advice masa aku memula kawen dulu..
~ bile ade duit lebih tu, beli la apa yg kakteh teringin nak beli.. bende yg perlu and penting tu nanti ade je jalan nak kene beli nanti
hahah.. ni aku x sangka keluar from mulut ayah.. x salah aku this was mase aku nak masuk umah dulu, sibuk nak beli barang umah tapi nak kene bajet. but i forgot what was the necessity and indulgence item.. tapi bile pikir2 ade gak truth in it.. once in a while, its nice to treat yourself.. tapi jgn la everytime ade duit sebok beli bende for indulgence je kan..???
and friends.. one thing that really strike me.. please dont take your parents' requests for granted.. dont take your parents for granted too.. kite x tau when they will go, just make sure you make them happy sbb you cant imagine what they had done for us.. and untuk kite tunaikan permintaan mereka yg alahai x semenggah mana tu.. its not the material yg make them happy, its the effort tu aku rase. and maybe you wont feel the impact now, tapi when they are gone, hanya Allah je tau how you desperately want to give whatever to make their last days happy.
aku harap ayah spent his last days happy with the comfort of his children and wife.
hmm.. what can i say? im loving this life. im blessed. i have a hot and super duper husband.. 3 cute and funny and brilliant daughters, a beautiful son, loving parents and siblings, sporting in laws, great friends, fine job, super health and lots more. life is GREAT!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
changes during...
hmm... a lot had happened.. i sucked in coping with changes... tapi, life must go on. aku kene redha.
for most of my friends (read: friends dalam phonebook aku), they received my joyous news- of the birth of 4.4kg Busyra Hannah on 17th Nov 2008.
then, for most of close friends (pun from my phonebook tapi up to N je.. sbb da xde mood), they received the news of my father's death, on 27th Nov 2008.
then, for a few of my friends, they heard about my busyra hannah admitted to the ICU... on the day my dad died...
i'll share what i had gone thru these few weeks.. semoga it'll lessen my rasa rindu to ayah.
1st- busyra hannah lahir ke dunia...
hahaha... mase aku pregnant, i had this sort of like a vision how i wud spend my maternity holiday.. dalam the first 2 minggu tu, aku plan rehat and ikut pantang mak kedah aku sungguh2 so that aku cepat sihat and kuat so that aku leh enjoy for teh rest of my 6 weeks. da plan nak gi shopping kat ikea and hias2 sket umah aku tu.. (da 2 tahun tapi ghupe cam baru pindah 6 bulan). nak buat projek baju aqish and her sis lah.. nak re-do opis abahnye lah.. hmm.. somehow skang ikea doesnt sound so intriguing la nih..
busyra hannah bt ahmad zaidi came to the world at 8.25pm at hospital serdang on 17th nov 2008, monday.
aku masuk spital kul 3 ptg tu.. hahah sebab utama is nak amek mc sbb mc from dr intan abis ari jumaat ari tu... memula tu ingat nak gi columbia seremban jumpe dr intan je balik sbb die yg syorkan aku rehat kat umah and excercise... tapi takut plak terberanak kat seremban sebab of reasons yg da aku explain kat enrty sbl nih. mak kedah aku suggest pergi je hosp serdang kunon2 da sampai tanda.. hahah nak dapat mc punye pasal... mak kate, 'huh, kalau hosp x kasi mc, kite terus lah pergi serremban..' hahahha.. plan asal kak liza anta kan.. ye lah, takut tgh2 drive aku terbersalin ke.. but, unfortunately, kak datang pagi tu to my house kate most likely die x ikut sbb abg call suh siap2 sbb ayah abang (pakcik ribot) tgh nazak... so, ikut plan mak, kitornag pun siap2 nak ke hospital... ikan dah pergi kerja cam biase da pagi tu...
tetibe, dalam pada tgh bersiap tu, kak dapat berite from abang zaidi yg his dad had died. innalillah..
so, aku pun drive bawak abah n mak n aqish to hosp serdang.... tetibe rase cucuk2 tu tapi x lak aku check interval... maybe sbb cuak sgt dapat x mc.. hahaha
sampai2 at the dewan bersalin, leh lak kitorg tersengih2 sbb macam poyo masuk without the 'aduuhhh sakit dr, sakit!!!.' ooo.. by this time, ikan da sampai hospital dah. die amek time off.
pas aku masuk 'evaluation room' depa, leh lak si staff nurse nih kate graph contraction aku cantek... ooohhh so, betul la aku da datang tanda.. hehehe.
i insisted to have a normal delivery. aku cakap kat bidan and mo. both kasik advice suh c-sect tapi were a bit open to my request. tapi the dr tu still a bit worried and nak mintak oppinion specialist. nak tunggu specialist sket punye lama la... sampai aku suh ikan bawak mak and abah balik dulu... da lebih 4 jam tunggu dah... dah la tpt tu sejuk... pastu, when i was having even regular contraction, aku pun ask for the specialist myself. huh! baru terhegeh2 nak tepon suh dtg... apa daa...
and, to make it short... specialist tuh 99% insist aku c-sect. ade ke kasik aku 'kite takut kalau sangkut dekat bahu, puan. kalau sangkut, kite kene keluarkan no matter what ikut bawah jugak. so, we might have to patahkan bahu die. and after 5 mins x keluar, there's a risk of brain damage. kalau after 10 mins x keluar, baby boleh mati.' full stop. x ngeri aku? jadahnye aku nak risk kan kesejahteraan hidup anak aku for a bearable pain kan? of kos la aku terus kate. bedah je saya dr!.. tapi sbb menghormati ikan, i asked them to wait for my husband.
he came in like 5mins after the horrible talk and walaupun sedih, we agreed to it.
mase tu, aku rase the perasaan to have 5 kids, to experience the normal delivery, the feeling of-sakit-macam-nak-mati tuh... sume cam tengah melayang2 leaving my head.. hmm.. maybe Allah rase i'm not strong enuff agaknye to have it. oo by the way.. leh lak my openning was only 2 and a half cm after 4 hours having the contraction? hahah ye lah.. ade hikmah sume nih...
so, i was pushed to the OT and by 8.30pm, my baby busyra came to the world.. dgn tangisan yg quite kuat jugak... heheh. i took spinal this time so, aku dgr le dr2 nih bet berat anak aku berapa.. cess! hehehe nevermind. asal anak aku sihat. alhamdulillah.... :)
lambat gak i was admitted to wad.. dlm kul 10 ke 11 mlm. the nurse said the anesth. will last for 6 hours.. so aku ingat by that time aku da tdo, so it wont hurt as much kot.. boy was i wrong!! gile sakit mencucuk2. siap bangun mintak painkiller fr nurse aku weh.. she jab me with morphin.. hahah. siap pesan \kat aku jgn mintak before 6 hours sbb nanti ketagih.. (huh.. yeah rite?? AKU ADALAH BENCI DICUCUK MORFIN ITU OK! sesape yg bace.. please opt for some other pain killer. giler x best ok.. cam org gile aku satu hari tu. i had to drink a lotttt utk hilangkan from my system. da la nak pergi tandas gile sekse.. heheh.)
tapi, aku sangat bersyukur sbb that nite, after mu hubby sms-ed all my family n friends, ayah called. he congratulated me. syok dgr suara sihat ayah. he was a bit confused where he was at tapi he sounded happy to hear about busyra hannah. ya Allah.. gembiranye dan bersyukurnye aku my last conversation with him while he was concious was a joyous and happy one. aku harap ayah tau how glad i am to have him as the grandfather for my kids. aku mmg sgt suke cara ayah layan cucu2 die.. very lembut... well.. i'll talk about him later.
however, busyra had to be admitted to NICU sbb she was above 4kg. macrosomic baby... tak sakit apa2 pun, just depa want to monitor... hmmm...
after 4 days kat NICU, busyra pun kuar... hurehhhh... welcome home sunshine no2!
nanti i'll post her pics sbb la nih tgh pantang so, cam ala2 malas except for typing.
i'll talk about the other changes and dugaan in my life maybe tomorrow sbb i'm gonna chase aqish to take her bath now. da kul 6ptg da nih...
for most of my friends (read: friends dalam phonebook aku), they received my joyous news- of the birth of 4.4kg Busyra Hannah on 17th Nov 2008.
then, for most of close friends (pun from my phonebook tapi up to N je.. sbb da xde mood), they received the news of my father's death, on 27th Nov 2008.
then, for a few of my friends, they heard about my busyra hannah admitted to the ICU... on the day my dad died...
i'll share what i had gone thru these few weeks.. semoga it'll lessen my rasa rindu to ayah.
1st- busyra hannah lahir ke dunia...
hahaha... mase aku pregnant, i had this sort of like a vision how i wud spend my maternity holiday.. dalam the first 2 minggu tu, aku plan rehat and ikut pantang mak kedah aku sungguh2 so that aku cepat sihat and kuat so that aku leh enjoy for teh rest of my 6 weeks. da plan nak gi shopping kat ikea and hias2 sket umah aku tu.. (da 2 tahun tapi ghupe cam baru pindah 6 bulan). nak buat projek baju aqish and her sis lah.. nak re-do opis abahnye lah.. hmm.. somehow skang ikea doesnt sound so intriguing la nih..
busyra hannah bt ahmad zaidi came to the world at 8.25pm at hospital serdang on 17th nov 2008, monday.
aku masuk spital kul 3 ptg tu.. hahah sebab utama is nak amek mc sbb mc from dr intan abis ari jumaat ari tu... memula tu ingat nak gi columbia seremban jumpe dr intan je balik sbb die yg syorkan aku rehat kat umah and excercise... tapi takut plak terberanak kat seremban sebab of reasons yg da aku explain kat enrty sbl nih. mak kedah aku suggest pergi je hosp serdang kunon2 da sampai tanda.. hahah nak dapat mc punye pasal... mak kate, 'huh, kalau hosp x kasi mc, kite terus lah pergi serremban..' hahahha.. plan asal kak liza anta kan.. ye lah, takut tgh2 drive aku terbersalin ke.. but, unfortunately, kak datang pagi tu to my house kate most likely die x ikut sbb abg call suh siap2 sbb ayah abang (pakcik ribot) tgh nazak... so, ikut plan mak, kitornag pun siap2 nak ke hospital... ikan dah pergi kerja cam biase da pagi tu...
tetibe, dalam pada tgh bersiap tu, kak dapat berite from abang zaidi yg his dad had died. innalillah..
so, aku pun drive bawak abah n mak n aqish to hosp serdang.... tetibe rase cucuk2 tu tapi x lak aku check interval... maybe sbb cuak sgt dapat x mc.. hahaha
sampai2 at the dewan bersalin, leh lak kitorg tersengih2 sbb macam poyo masuk without the 'aduuhhh sakit dr, sakit!!!.' ooo.. by this time, ikan da sampai hospital dah. die amek time off.
pas aku masuk 'evaluation room' depa, leh lak si staff nurse nih kate graph contraction aku cantek... ooohhh so, betul la aku da datang tanda.. hehehe.
i insisted to have a normal delivery. aku cakap kat bidan and mo. both kasik advice suh c-sect tapi were a bit open to my request. tapi the dr tu still a bit worried and nak mintak oppinion specialist. nak tunggu specialist sket punye lama la... sampai aku suh ikan bawak mak and abah balik dulu... da lebih 4 jam tunggu dah... dah la tpt tu sejuk... pastu, when i was having even regular contraction, aku pun ask for the specialist myself. huh! baru terhegeh2 nak tepon suh dtg... apa daa...
and, to make it short... specialist tuh 99% insist aku c-sect. ade ke kasik aku 'kite takut kalau sangkut dekat bahu, puan. kalau sangkut, kite kene keluarkan no matter what ikut bawah jugak. so, we might have to patahkan bahu die. and after 5 mins x keluar, there's a risk of brain damage. kalau after 10 mins x keluar, baby boleh mati.' full stop. x ngeri aku? jadahnye aku nak risk kan kesejahteraan hidup anak aku for a bearable pain kan? of kos la aku terus kate. bedah je saya dr!.. tapi sbb menghormati ikan, i asked them to wait for my husband.
he came in like 5mins after the horrible talk and walaupun sedih, we agreed to it.
mase tu, aku rase the perasaan to have 5 kids, to experience the normal delivery, the feeling of-sakit-macam-nak-mati tuh... sume cam tengah melayang2 leaving my head.. hmm.. maybe Allah rase i'm not strong enuff agaknye to have it. oo by the way.. leh lak my openning was only 2 and a half cm after 4 hours having the contraction? hahah ye lah.. ade hikmah sume nih...
so, i was pushed to the OT and by 8.30pm, my baby busyra came to the world.. dgn tangisan yg quite kuat jugak... heheh. i took spinal this time so, aku dgr le dr2 nih bet berat anak aku berapa.. cess! hehehe nevermind. asal anak aku sihat. alhamdulillah.... :)
lambat gak i was admitted to wad.. dlm kul 10 ke 11 mlm. the nurse said the anesth. will last for 6 hours.. so aku ingat by that time aku da tdo, so it wont hurt as much kot.. boy was i wrong!! gile sakit mencucuk2. siap bangun mintak painkiller fr nurse aku weh.. she jab me with morphin.. hahah. siap pesan \kat aku jgn mintak before 6 hours sbb nanti ketagih.. (huh.. yeah rite?? AKU ADALAH BENCI DICUCUK MORFIN ITU OK! sesape yg bace.. please opt for some other pain killer. giler x best ok.. cam org gile aku satu hari tu. i had to drink a lotttt utk hilangkan from my system. da la nak pergi tandas gile sekse.. heheh.)
tapi, aku sangat bersyukur sbb that nite, after mu hubby sms-ed all my family n friends, ayah called. he congratulated me. syok dgr suara sihat ayah. he was a bit confused where he was at tapi he sounded happy to hear about busyra hannah. ya Allah.. gembiranye dan bersyukurnye aku my last conversation with him while he was concious was a joyous and happy one. aku harap ayah tau how glad i am to have him as the grandfather for my kids. aku mmg sgt suke cara ayah layan cucu2 die.. very lembut... well.. i'll talk about him later.
however, busyra had to be admitted to NICU sbb she was above 4kg. macrosomic baby... tak sakit apa2 pun, just depa want to monitor... hmmm...
after 4 days kat NICU, busyra pun kuar... hurehhhh... welcome home sunshine no2!
nanti i'll post her pics sbb la nih tgh pantang so, cam ala2 malas except for typing.
i'll talk about the other changes and dugaan in my life maybe tomorrow sbb i'm gonna chase aqish to take her bath now. da kul 6ptg da nih...
Friday, November 7, 2008
alhamdulillah... still praying hard
so, i met with dr intan... alhamdulillah no inducing needed yet sbb baby maintain 3.8kg.. and the baby's head masih below 10cm... so.. die pun x cuak just that there's no sign of me delivering soon die ckp.. sbb baby sgt active bergerak lagi...
so la nih, im still praying hard so that i can deliver normal, without complications (plus pain :) )
kenkawan, wait for my sms~~
so la nih, im still praying hard so that i can deliver normal, without complications (plus pain :) )
kenkawan, wait for my sms~~
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
desperately in need of an opinion...
dear kenkawan aku yg baik ati... im seriously in confusion sekarang nih and i would really2 appreciate anyone's take in this.
its about my pregnancy- the delivering part.
i underwent surgery for aqish- bukan sbb die besau (even she is a BIG baby time tu 3.95kg ok??) tapi kene emergency c-sect sbb she pooped inside me. reason dr cakap because baby stress, placenta da tertanggal.. so, i didnt know kalau i waited for normal that day, boleh go thru ke tak... (ade some of my frens kate nasib baik c-sect sbb nanti kalau sangkut, i had to endure 2 kesakitan.. but.. they're not doctors too.. heheh)
anyway, giving birth was easy peasy tapi the after tu yg i simply dont think i can go thru it again. rase sangat helpless. nak bangun susah, nak tidur susash, nak pee susah, berak apa tah lagi. cant cough, cant laugh etc etc.. and i still have the bump in my tummy (sbb xleh urut bagai..)
my current condition
my EDD is supposed to be 17th Nov 08. tapi my last visit to dr intan last sunday (2nd nov 08), my baby now weighs 3.8kg! (and i have 1 week to go?????). so, dr intan suggested me not to go to work fro the time being and plan for me to revisit her this friday.. to be induced, most likely...
my dilemma
1- Should i just go thru the inducing thing?
aku dgr ia adalah sakit, anybody know how sakit it is? Furthermore, aku actually dont want to force busyra to keluar kalau belum tiba masa die nak keluar. im no god, manala aku tau whether she is really2 ready to enter the world kan..??
2- Tunggu je visit this friday and kalau baby da macam at least 50/50 normal and c-sect, better aku tunggu je keluar when she feels rite? aku kalau boleh (sgt kalau boleh-every time prayers, mesti aku doa sungguh2 kat Allah utk bersalin normal...hmmmm what do i know what's best for me kan?). Ikan x kesah either way, cume, kalau c-sect lagi, then the possibility utk anak ramai tu kureng sket.. i think tu je concern die (me too).
aku camni, kalau bleh aku nak bsalin kat serdang. sbb bleh terus pantang kat serdang. my dad isnt doing that well, so aku xnak bebankan mak aku plak with my condition. she doesnt like to cook kalau my dad is sick, so kalau aku kat seremban, nanti she has to cook and aku just dont like giving her that condition. tambah plak kalau kene urut, nak kene anta jemput tukang urut la.. hmmm susah je aku pikir...
kalau bersalin kat serdang, then aku kene tunggu je la bila baby nak kuar. then bedah or not, lain kire. (btw, bedah kat hosp serdang ade negative remarks ke sebelum nih?- takut je tetibe die suh emergency lagi.. ohh tidak!!!)
kalau bsalin kat columbia seremban, i have the comfort of my totally-trusted gynae dr intan. BUT.. susah nak travel balik serdang. aku x nak susahkan my parents.
hmm.. writting this made me realise yg i shud just wait bile2 busyra nak kuar.. lantaklah kalau kene bedah ke x eh? hmmm.. aku sgt x suke mase pantang die kalau bedah.. camne????
weh kenkawan (yg da ade anak or not..) i need u guys nye opinin. seriously. apa aku nak cakap kat dr intan friday nih????
its about my pregnancy- the delivering part.
i underwent surgery for aqish- bukan sbb die besau (even she is a BIG baby time tu 3.95kg ok??) tapi kene emergency c-sect sbb she pooped inside me. reason dr cakap because baby stress, placenta da tertanggal.. so, i didnt know kalau i waited for normal that day, boleh go thru ke tak... (ade some of my frens kate nasib baik c-sect sbb nanti kalau sangkut, i had to endure 2 kesakitan.. but.. they're not doctors too.. heheh)
anyway, giving birth was easy peasy tapi the after tu yg i simply dont think i can go thru it again. rase sangat helpless. nak bangun susah, nak tidur susash, nak pee susah, berak apa tah lagi. cant cough, cant laugh etc etc.. and i still have the bump in my tummy (sbb xleh urut bagai..)
my current condition
my EDD is supposed to be 17th Nov 08. tapi my last visit to dr intan last sunday (2nd nov 08), my baby now weighs 3.8kg! (and i have 1 week to go?????). so, dr intan suggested me not to go to work fro the time being and plan for me to revisit her this friday.. to be induced, most likely...
my dilemma
1- Should i just go thru the inducing thing?
aku dgr ia adalah sakit, anybody know how sakit it is? Furthermore, aku actually dont want to force busyra to keluar kalau belum tiba masa die nak keluar. im no god, manala aku tau whether she is really2 ready to enter the world kan..??
2- Tunggu je visit this friday and kalau baby da macam at least 50/50 normal and c-sect, better aku tunggu je keluar when she feels rite? aku kalau boleh (sgt kalau boleh-every time prayers, mesti aku doa sungguh2 kat Allah utk bersalin normal...hmmmm what do i know what's best for me kan?). Ikan x kesah either way, cume, kalau c-sect lagi, then the possibility utk anak ramai tu kureng sket.. i think tu je concern die (me too).
aku camni, kalau bleh aku nak bsalin kat serdang. sbb bleh terus pantang kat serdang. my dad isnt doing that well, so aku xnak bebankan mak aku plak with my condition. she doesnt like to cook kalau my dad is sick, so kalau aku kat seremban, nanti she has to cook and aku just dont like giving her that condition. tambah plak kalau kene urut, nak kene anta jemput tukang urut la.. hmmm susah je aku pikir...
kalau bersalin kat serdang, then aku kene tunggu je la bila baby nak kuar. then bedah or not, lain kire. (btw, bedah kat hosp serdang ade negative remarks ke sebelum nih?- takut je tetibe die suh emergency lagi.. ohh tidak!!!)
kalau bsalin kat columbia seremban, i have the comfort of my totally-trusted gynae dr intan. BUT.. susah nak travel balik serdang. aku x nak susahkan my parents.
hmm.. writting this made me realise yg i shud just wait bile2 busyra nak kuar.. lantaklah kalau kene bedah ke x eh? hmmm.. aku sgt x suke mase pantang die kalau bedah.. camne????
weh kenkawan (yg da ade anak or not..) i need u guys nye opinin. seriously. apa aku nak cakap kat dr intan friday nih????
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
x berminat langsung~~
hmm.. im blaming it on my pregnancy.. (biar org kate aku durjana)
my boss wants me to do things- drive the IRS, re-do benefit for centralise dealing for FI and wrap up POMS.
sumer aku malas. paling aku malas nak buat IRS tuh. passion? seriously dont have it la nih.. the only thing i have rite now is the strong urge to be on leave, mc ke maternity ke.. asal not relating to work...
bleh suh aku settlekan before i go off????? die tak nampak ke aku malas tahap cipan skang nih. nak gerak ke tempat bloomberg yg hanye lah sedepa (ok, actually across the room, so jauh k...) pun aku malas ya Rabbi.. inikan pulak nak ke sana sini settling IRS docs??? camne aku nak react sebenarnye nih?
ooo.. btw, aku mendengar cerita sorang kakak ni semlm, she just came back fr her maternity leave.. dan anak die adalah pre mature, 35 weeks. keluar 3.5kg tapi her baby is still in the ICU...
aku menyesal laa sbb macam x grateful with what i have and mengcomplain apsal busyra x mau kuar2..
Ya Allah, maafkan la aku. tolonglah ya Allah, sihat sempurnakanlah anak dlm kandunganku, lancarkan perjalanan ku menghadapi hari bersalin nanti.
busyra, u take ur time ok? be fully ready baru keluar ok? mama can bare the stupid back pain and sleepless nites.. mama want u to be healthy and perfect. aminn.
my boss wants me to do things- drive the IRS, re-do benefit for centralise dealing for FI and wrap up POMS.
sumer aku malas. paling aku malas nak buat IRS tuh. passion? seriously dont have it la nih.. the only thing i have rite now is the strong urge to be on leave, mc ke maternity ke.. asal not relating to work...
bleh suh aku settlekan before i go off????? die tak nampak ke aku malas tahap cipan skang nih. nak gerak ke tempat bloomberg yg hanye lah sedepa (ok, actually across the room, so jauh k...) pun aku malas ya Rabbi.. inikan pulak nak ke sana sini settling IRS docs??? camne aku nak react sebenarnye nih?
ooo.. btw, aku mendengar cerita sorang kakak ni semlm, she just came back fr her maternity leave.. dan anak die adalah pre mature, 35 weeks. keluar 3.5kg tapi her baby is still in the ICU...
aku menyesal laa sbb macam x grateful with what i have and mengcomplain apsal busyra x mau kuar2..
Ya Allah, maafkan la aku. tolonglah ya Allah, sihat sempurnakanlah anak dlm kandunganku, lancarkan perjalanan ku menghadapi hari bersalin nanti.
busyra, u take ur time ok? be fully ready baru keluar ok? mama can bare the stupid back pain and sleepless nites.. mama want u to be healthy and perfect. aminn.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
bilik atis...
Friday, October 17, 2008
2nd baby syndrome
aku adalah kesian dekat baby no2 aku nih.. hahah leh ke kalau aku announce je nama that we had in mind...
well anyway...
time aqish-every month x tenggal punye check up... baru 3 months preggie me and ikan da start beli baju. 5 bulan da beli barang2 tidoq die. 7 bulan da cam lengkap. pics of me preggie every month pun ade, siap with the scan from gynae lagi. utk letak dalam album... sumer bende pasal baby bace. segala jenis kelas pun nak pergi.
busyra- sepatutnye every month tapi sesekali aku delay my check up later than that. kire, atitude 'minggu depan lah...'. vitamins ya Rabbi punye la byk miss makan... (aqish dulu aku x pernah miss...). baju bajuan? not a single helai lagi being bought. gambar of me with my big fat tummy- none. barang2 tidoq recycle aqish's. kunon cam alaaa.. been there, nothing to risau.. tetibe last week baru teringat yg she has no wardrobe. mana ntah nak letak baju busyra and aqish? sekarang nih punye only muat for aqish... treng teng teng.... maka episode menukar aqish's room to 'the girls' room' pun bermula.
teruk x? aku da nak beranak da bulan depan.. baru nak pk pasal sleeping arrangements bebudak nih... hahahha
sib baik gak dapat baby girl lagi (insyaAllah...) sbb leh share bilik and almari. kalau baby boy da tentu kene pikiaq lain..
anyway... nanti i'll post the pics for the (aku sgt x terre interior design and i tend to pilih perabot yg murah2 je...maka x matching lorr) but still.. ade la ghupe sket bilik anak pompuans mama nih.... :)
ohh.. adekah aku tidak mentione yg aqish prefer to sleep in 'bilik atis' rather than sleeping at our room? die akan menggelengkan kepalanye (even tgh laloq tuu) kalau aku ajak die tido kat katil kitorg... hahahahh independent siutt.
well busyra, mam doa u sihat sempurna and pleeeeaase la kasik kuar normal and x menyakitkan mama, kay? nanti i'll treat you susu bess.. hahhaha geli dohh~
well anyway...
time aqish-every month x tenggal punye check up... baru 3 months preggie me and ikan da start beli baju. 5 bulan da beli barang2 tidoq die. 7 bulan da cam lengkap. pics of me preggie every month pun ade, siap with the scan from gynae lagi. utk letak dalam album... sumer bende pasal baby bace. segala jenis kelas pun nak pergi.
busyra- sepatutnye every month tapi sesekali aku delay my check up later than that. kire, atitude 'minggu depan lah...'. vitamins ya Rabbi punye la byk miss makan... (aqish dulu aku x pernah miss...). baju bajuan? not a single helai lagi being bought. gambar of me with my big fat tummy- none. barang2 tidoq recycle aqish's. kunon cam alaaa.. been there, nothing to risau.. tetibe last week baru teringat yg she has no wardrobe. mana ntah nak letak baju busyra and aqish? sekarang nih punye only muat for aqish... treng teng teng.... maka episode menukar aqish's room to 'the girls' room' pun bermula.
teruk x? aku da nak beranak da bulan depan.. baru nak pk pasal sleeping arrangements bebudak nih... hahahha
sib baik gak dapat baby girl lagi (insyaAllah...) sbb leh share bilik and almari. kalau baby boy da tentu kene pikiaq lain..
anyway... nanti i'll post the pics for the (aku sgt x terre interior design and i tend to pilih perabot yg murah2 je...maka x matching lorr) but still.. ade la ghupe sket bilik anak pompuans mama nih.... :)
ohh.. adekah aku tidak mentione yg aqish prefer to sleep in 'bilik atis' rather than sleeping at our room? die akan menggelengkan kepalanye (even tgh laloq tuu) kalau aku ajak die tido kat katil kitorg... hahahahh independent siutt.
well busyra, mam doa u sihat sempurna and pleeeeaase la kasik kuar normal and x menyakitkan mama, kay? nanti i'll treat you susu bess.. hahhaha geli dohh~
Friday, October 10, 2008
aku da penat...
my tummy is very big rite now and i still have 1 month to go... waduuhhh sakitnye belakang nih!
1- Raya-
Sorry guys, nggak ade gambar raya.. my cheap camera buat hal. ade gambar dalam tepon je tapi itu pun byk gamba aqish with her 2 sepupu kedah.
Seminggu in Kedah this year.. x sempat nak beraya seremban.. hahah maka duit raya pun sikit je.. hahah materialistik betul la mama nih kan aqish?
tapi kelakau sbb she knows how to say duit raya- 'duit aye' whenever she sees an angpow case. pastuh, kalau die bukak and xde duit she will say- 'takde ma..' hahahah baguih aku ngajar anak kan?? hehehe
2- kenduri kawens
11th Oct--> Sue
1- Raya-
Sorry guys, nggak ade gambar raya.. my cheap camera buat hal. ade gambar dalam tepon je tapi itu pun byk gamba aqish with her 2 sepupu kedah.
Seminggu in Kedah this year.. x sempat nak beraya seremban.. hahah maka duit raya pun sikit je.. hahah materialistik betul la mama nih kan aqish?
tapi kelakau sbb she knows how to say duit raya- 'duit aye' whenever she sees an angpow case. pastuh, kalau die bukak and xde duit she will say- 'takde ma..' hahahah baguih aku ngajar anak kan?? hehehe
2- kenduri kawens
11th Oct--> Sue
.jpg)
19th Oct--> Djae
.jpg)
apsal aku adelah sangat ngantuk dan malas nih.. dengan rase x selesa nye lagi... kalau bleh bersalin esok, huuuu how i wish.. (tapi nanti kene balik keje before dapat bonus... hahah what i plan is- start awal nov da leh dok umah sbb aku rase mesti aku susah nak jalan2 dah. gile babeng penat sehhh..
pastuh, bersalin according to my EDD which is 17th Nov, rehat until 17th Jan... 22nd Dec amek year end bonus secara free...) hahaha indahnye... :)
so.. harap2 i can maintain according to plan la.. better kot?
kali nih i plan to bersalin in hosp serdang je lah. senang sket sbb dekat ngan umah. so, x yah la ikan drive lelaju macam aqish dulu.. hahah sib baik xde saman..
anyways. aisyah yg domok dan malas nak gi tdo jap di kala lunch ini wokeh?
Monday, September 22, 2008
iftar ramadhan pada tahun ini
first of all, my annual iftar musti ade 3...
1- ofis <-- yg ni bleh dicategorikan sbg iftar ke sbb usually, satu due je yg melayu n pose..
2- cc (uni frens)
3- hi5 (smap) anyways,
1- ofis- friday, 19th Sept 2008
actualy, we planned a small get together with my ex boss- andrew. tetibe, it became this big makan2 plak with ppl (yg ade i dont even kenal.. hahah, eventho keje satu opis) anyways, kitorg makan kat Magnificent Fish n Chips- apa yg magnificent die u ask? alaa, sbb depa ade 8 types of fish n chips... tapi if u ask me, nothing magnificent about it pun... ohh.. maybe the sauce la kott.. tu je yg aku rase kaw abiss..
the attendees- me, amarjit, andrew, desmond, janice, you shan (i think... budak market dev), denise, rachael, mahathir, harinder (CEO aku yg aku sgt takut gitu...), fizree, shahrin, and woon yee (gile lama aku x jumpe minah ni...)
as u can see, only sekerat je yg pose, tapi we still call it 'buke pose get together'. it was a nice get together.. cume sbb aku adalah segan dgn harinder (due to our small talk prior that evening) maka aku adalah rase it can be better... gambar, ade harinder amek tapi, ya rite aku nak mintak from him? no thnks ok~
2-cc @umah ejean, 20th sept 2008
hahah, the second year buat kat umah ejean sbb senang. umah die atas tanah and luas.. nak banding umah aku.. hahah tapi, tengoklah, seren sajes aku yg host next year.. hhahah challenge siutt.. nengok la dulu yeah? kitorng memang prefer pot luck dr makan kat luar.. best sbb setiap dish is personalised.
aku bawak tenggiri masask lomak and kuih kasui (ye, aku yg buat kuih ini sbb aku sgt gemar ok~ dan aku sungguh proud sbb it jadila jugaks..). thn lepas aku bawak ayam masak merah n ikan baked his cinnabon... (dah lama siutt x buat cinnabon nih)
ejean tolong masakkan nasik and reheat ayams (she claimed mak die masak tapi actually, die mmg pandai masak pun...) thn lepas die masakkan nasi lemak utk kitorg.. beshh
seren masak rendang daging yg sedaps. serious.. x tau lak die ni pandai masak.. ke, nenek die yg masak.. hahahah tapi ghupe die memang cam org pro masak laa.. maybe persediaan die nak kawen agaknye.. heheh
jep masask sayur campur all the way from melaka.. die ni mmg suke masak pun so, xde la surprised ke apa.. cume, this was my 1st time nengok anak die- hadif zakwan. comel and peramah. aqish asek la nak jadik kakak, menegur itu ini.. hahah aqish aqish :)
joyet masak kuih gule melaka. ya Allah, lamanye x makan kuih nih. thank you joyett!
seema bawak puding die like last year.. and, the end of it, sbb kitorng stuffed sgt, maka jadik bahan tapau.. aku masih lom rase lagi, tapi by the looks of it, cam sedap je..
lehs and rose bawak (liek last year) secret recipe cake- berjaya aku makan. last year makan kat umah sbb kes macam puding seema. aqish ingat ais krim, iye2 nak makan hahah skali die rase masasm yogurt terus luahkan balik
isaac plak bawak spaghetti.. penyelamat betul =nih sbb periuk nasik ejean kene cultural shock maka 15 minit sbl buke, baru die perasan nasik masih berair dan x masak2 lagi. maka, sume rorg serbu i-znye spaghetti.. sedap gak sbb ade meat balls.
kesimpulannye, sume sedap dan syok sbb dapat gossip2 bagai.

3-hi5 @sabak
bak kate azury, she managed to makan rm5 worth of food. aku pun rase begitu juge. bukan sbb sibuk mingle around pun.. and neither sbb aqish. its just that aku adalah demam dan selera utk beriye makan2 tu x de. sib baik aqish independant enuff to eat by herself. actuallynye, aku almost x datang (30% je utk pergi ptg tu) sbb i had a terrible fever. nak jalan to my car (from my house pun aku amek stengah jam) serious gile. minah2 indon tgh buat keje tu pandang je aku, takut aku roboh kott.. derang nih mmg caringnye minahs. tapi alhamdulillah, aku sampai kete, rehat jap pastu bawak kete kat depan lobby, mintak ikan tolong alihkan balik. anyway, sian ikan petang tu sbb aku x tau die nak buke apa kalau x gi sabak tu.. lauk2 sume x kuar fr fridge.. nak masak lagi.. sib baik, pas makan ubat n tido dalam 1 jam, aku cam better sket and terus siap nak gi iftar smap... semangat siutt nak gi jumep kenkawan. a lot of new faces kali nih. yg biase dan normal tu x yah comment lah.
apad khai ade, ngan gf die.. heheh sipu2 malu lak mamat nih, perkenalkan 'nih kawan aku'.. chehhh cakap je la 'ni gf aku' takpe.. xnak poyo.
nizam datang sorang tapi kemat cakap mamat nih da 3 org anak.. hahah kalah ko azury!
asiah n her hensem hubby israr berjaya made it for this year's iftar. israr da start keje kat malaysia balik dah.. tahniah to asiah sbb.. dah la preggie, husband pun da transfer back. cun timing korang nih :)
jerry- gile lama x jumpe mamat nih. manjang x leh turun kl je sbb die dulu keje jb. tapi la nih da keje kl.. so, maybe die pun gonna be regulars at gatherings agaknye... :)
lenot... believe it or not, die ni susah gilos nak join.. hampir evertime kitorng nak gather2, 'oops, aku on call'... tapi great to have you joining.. (die preggie 5 mths.. and aku adelah 7.. bandingkan perut kami.. wahhhhh sungguh berbeda skali!!!)
safurah n ilish x bawak iman, so aqish x le excited sgt jumpe derang.. hahahah just kidding! tapi if u look closer, nampak x aqish set her eyes on mus' son.. aku adelah lupe lagi nama die.. heheh... adik tu qish... heheh
and the rest lah. maleh lak nak komen. tapi cam biase, kitorng antara yg lambat balik sbb.. being smapians and all.. biase la tu nak buat grand exit.. ahahhahaha
1- ofis <-- yg ni bleh dicategorikan sbg iftar ke sbb usually, satu due je yg melayu n pose..
2- cc (uni frens)
3- hi5 (smap) anyways,
1- ofis- friday, 19th Sept 2008
actualy, we planned a small get together with my ex boss- andrew. tetibe, it became this big makan2 plak with ppl (yg ade i dont even kenal.. hahah, eventho keje satu opis) anyways, kitorg makan kat Magnificent Fish n Chips- apa yg magnificent die u ask? alaa, sbb depa ade 8 types of fish n chips... tapi if u ask me, nothing magnificent about it pun... ohh.. maybe the sauce la kott.. tu je yg aku rase kaw abiss..
the attendees- me, amarjit, andrew, desmond, janice, you shan (i think... budak market dev), denise, rachael, mahathir, harinder (CEO aku yg aku sgt takut gitu...), fizree, shahrin, and woon yee (gile lama aku x jumpe minah ni...)
as u can see, only sekerat je yg pose, tapi we still call it 'buke pose get together'. it was a nice get together.. cume sbb aku adalah segan dgn harinder (due to our small talk prior that evening) maka aku adalah rase it can be better... gambar, ade harinder amek tapi, ya rite aku nak mintak from him? no thnks ok~
2-cc @umah ejean, 20th sept 2008
hahah, the second year buat kat umah ejean sbb senang. umah die atas tanah and luas.. nak banding umah aku.. hahah tapi, tengoklah, seren sajes aku yg host next year.. hhahah challenge siutt.. nengok la dulu yeah? kitorng memang prefer pot luck dr makan kat luar.. best sbb setiap dish is personalised.
aku bawak tenggiri masask lomak and kuih kasui (ye, aku yg buat kuih ini sbb aku sgt gemar ok~ dan aku sungguh proud sbb it jadila jugaks..). thn lepas aku bawak ayam masak merah n ikan baked his cinnabon... (dah lama siutt x buat cinnabon nih)
ejean tolong masakkan nasik and reheat ayams (she claimed mak die masak tapi actually, die mmg pandai masak pun...) thn lepas die masakkan nasi lemak utk kitorg.. beshh
seren masak rendang daging yg sedaps. serious.. x tau lak die ni pandai masak.. ke, nenek die yg masak.. hahahah tapi ghupe die memang cam org pro masak laa.. maybe persediaan die nak kawen agaknye.. heheh
jep masask sayur campur all the way from melaka.. die ni mmg suke masak pun so, xde la surprised ke apa.. cume, this was my 1st time nengok anak die- hadif zakwan. comel and peramah. aqish asek la nak jadik kakak, menegur itu ini.. hahah aqish aqish :)
joyet masak kuih gule melaka. ya Allah, lamanye x makan kuih nih. thank you joyett!
seema bawak puding die like last year.. and, the end of it, sbb kitorng stuffed sgt, maka jadik bahan tapau.. aku masih lom rase lagi, tapi by the looks of it, cam sedap je..
lehs and rose bawak (liek last year) secret recipe cake- berjaya aku makan. last year makan kat umah sbb kes macam puding seema. aqish ingat ais krim, iye2 nak makan hahah skali die rase masasm yogurt terus luahkan balik
isaac plak bawak spaghetti.. penyelamat betul =nih sbb periuk nasik ejean kene cultural shock maka 15 minit sbl buke, baru die perasan nasik masih berair dan x masak2 lagi. maka, sume rorg serbu i-znye spaghetti.. sedap gak sbb ade meat balls.
kesimpulannye, sume sedap dan syok sbb dapat gossip2 bagai.

3-hi5 @sabak
bak kate azury, she managed to makan rm5 worth of food. aku pun rase begitu juge. bukan sbb sibuk mingle around pun.. and neither sbb aqish. its just that aku adalah demam dan selera utk beriye makan2 tu x de. sib baik aqish independant enuff to eat by herself. actuallynye, aku almost x datang (30% je utk pergi ptg tu) sbb i had a terrible fever. nak jalan to my car (from my house pun aku amek stengah jam) serious gile. minah2 indon tgh buat keje tu pandang je aku, takut aku roboh kott.. derang nih mmg caringnye minahs. tapi alhamdulillah, aku sampai kete, rehat jap pastu bawak kete kat depan lobby, mintak ikan tolong alihkan balik. anyway, sian ikan petang tu sbb aku x tau die nak buke apa kalau x gi sabak tu.. lauk2 sume x kuar fr fridge.. nak masak lagi.. sib baik, pas makan ubat n tido dalam 1 jam, aku cam better sket and terus siap nak gi iftar smap... semangat siutt nak gi jumep kenkawan. a lot of new faces kali nih. yg biase dan normal tu x yah comment lah.
apad khai ade, ngan gf die.. heheh sipu2 malu lak mamat nih, perkenalkan 'nih kawan aku'.. chehhh cakap je la 'ni gf aku' takpe.. xnak poyo.
nizam datang sorang tapi kemat cakap mamat nih da 3 org anak.. hahah kalah ko azury!

asiah n her hensem hubby israr berjaya made it for this year's iftar. israr da start keje kat malaysia balik dah.. tahniah to asiah sbb.. dah la preggie, husband pun da transfer back. cun timing korang nih :)
jerry- gile lama x jumpe mamat nih. manjang x leh turun kl je sbb die dulu keje jb. tapi la nih da keje kl.. so, maybe die pun gonna be regulars at gatherings agaknye... :)
lenot... believe it or not, die ni susah gilos nak join.. hampir evertime kitorng nak gather2, 'oops, aku on call'... tapi great to have you joining.. (die preggie 5 mths.. and aku adelah 7.. bandingkan perut kami.. wahhhhh sungguh berbeda skali!!!)
safurah n ilish x bawak iman, so aqish x le excited sgt jumpe derang.. hahahah just kidding! tapi if u look closer, nampak x aqish set her eyes on mus' son.. aku adelah lupe lagi nama die.. heheh... adik tu qish... heheh
and the rest lah. maleh lak nak komen. tapi cam biase, kitorng antara yg lambat balik sbb.. being smapians and all.. biase la tu nak buat grand exit.. ahahhahaha
Saturday, September 20, 2008
what a day...
today, sangat x best. i did a mistake- like any other person would if (maybe) their in my shoes...
tapi my problem is- i take it way too deep.. jadi, im trying to be strong and be like (kinda) a man. things happen. dah la. i have to move on. sh*t do happens, let ie be.
i have a wonderful husband and kid, another on my way.. family is great, friends are terrific.. why shudnt i enjoy life, kan?
enuff bout that. hopefully its over me.
anyway, digging out some old pics from ikan's hp just now... hahah tetibe ternampak these pics..
the story was-- people tend to comment (good ones laa) about aqish's eyebrow. so, being perasan parents that we are, both me n ikan claimed that she got it from us... hahhah
you decide. (but since im writing, i STRONGLY believe its from me... :) )
tapi my problem is- i take it way too deep.. jadi, im trying to be strong and be like (kinda) a man. things happen. dah la. i have to move on. sh*t do happens, let ie be.
i have a wonderful husband and kid, another on my way.. family is great, friends are terrific.. why shudnt i enjoy life, kan?
enuff bout that. hopefully its over me.
anyway, digging out some old pics from ikan's hp just now... hahah tetibe ternampak these pics..
the story was-- people tend to comment (good ones laa) about aqish's eyebrow. so, being perasan parents that we are, both me n ikan claimed that she got it from us... hahhah
you decide. (but since im writing, i STRONGLY believe its from me... :) )
Thursday, August 14, 2008
whoaa!! what a dusty site!!! :P
heheheh.. if you look at the date when i last update, it was the week my 'new' boss masuk keje..
then, the 'hell' started hahahahhaah
im soo not in the mood to elaborate in this, it will bring negative vibes- to me and to you guys as well i guess.. so, just leave it there lah.
but i was haunted by this phrase (song by Will Smith- just the 2 of us) the song he created for his son tu.. btw, its a good song. kalau ade version mommy to daughter, da tentu i'll sing it every night to aqish (mmmm and to future busyra... heheh :P).
anyways, yg stick in my head is ...
'Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
......i've been having this HATE in my soul for quite some time now. particularly to this one guy. i've tried to so positive about him. tapi ade je yg 'sewel' die makes thru to my head.
bayangkan, sampai termimpi2. which i soooooo hate it some more.. ade rase nak belasah je. (ok, im now harnessing this hatred nampaknye. will stop here.)
and when i heard WS's song, i felt that this is seriously not good for me. i want to potray a healthy and happy life to my kids. and the way im going right now is not doing so.
what shall i do? well.. in the first place, i would like to 'jauhkan' myself from this pain in the S. (on it)
2nd- really2 praying hard so that i dont have to care what this guy thinks, do. he is a weirdo.
pastu, i dont know what to do next. hopefully my 1st plan tu menjadi la.. aminn.
and, for me an dmy family to have a decent and happy life.
Ya Allah, berilah ku kekuatan dan keteguhan iman. AMIN~
heheheh.. if you look at the date when i last update, it was the week my 'new' boss masuk keje..
then, the 'hell' started hahahahhaah
im soo not in the mood to elaborate in this, it will bring negative vibes- to me and to you guys as well i guess.. so, just leave it there lah.
but i was haunted by this phrase (song by Will Smith- just the 2 of us) the song he created for his son tu.. btw, its a good song. kalau ade version mommy to daughter, da tentu i'll sing it every night to aqish (mmmm and to future busyra... heheh :P).
anyways, yg stick in my head is ...
'Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
......i've been having this HATE in my soul for quite some time now. particularly to this one guy. i've tried to so positive about him. tapi ade je yg 'sewel' die makes thru to my head.
bayangkan, sampai termimpi2. which i soooooo hate it some more.. ade rase nak belasah je. (ok, im now harnessing this hatred nampaknye. will stop here.)
and when i heard WS's song, i felt that this is seriously not good for me. i want to potray a healthy and happy life to my kids. and the way im going right now is not doing so.
what shall i do? well.. in the first place, i would like to 'jauhkan' myself from this pain in the S. (on it)
2nd- really2 praying hard so that i dont have to care what this guy thinks, do. he is a weirdo.
pastu, i dont know what to do next. hopefully my 1st plan tu menjadi la.. aminn.
and, for me an dmy family to have a decent and happy life.
Ya Allah, berilah ku kekuatan dan keteguhan iman. AMIN~
Friday, May 9, 2008
kene marah... sob sob
sowweeeyyy abah...
for the last 1 month or so.. aku yg asek blamming my morning sickness ini (and to add malas cam biase...) woke up verrrrry late.. pastuh, slalu gak ter miss subuh (so not proud of it.. and some more membuke pekung kepada sumer org..).. well balik2 citer..
so, last nite me and my big mouth pun tanye la my 'recently-macam=xde=mood' hubby... that why is he always x happy je nampak..
hambek ko! aku yg kene marah! the reason? aku slalu bangun lambat and x solat subuh.. (memang wajar to be scolded at rite?) kalau kecik2 dulu parents marah, besar panjang husband lak marah... wah wah wah teruknye perangai aisyah.. isk isk isk
even tho last nite i was a bit furious (hehehe a bit ke..?).. but pagi nih i felt that i MUST change.. betul la kate ikan..
1- why shud i be using the morning sickness to justify my missing out on my solats
2- he has the rights to scold me sbb He is the Ketua Keluarga
3- It doesnt look good to our kids (chewahhhh.. da berangan...)
sorry la abah.. last nite i was emo and cant handle criticism... after a goob nite sleep... i see it clearer.. AND.. my reso from today (x yah tunggu awal muharram )
1- No matter what, JANGAN TINGGAL SOLAT (magha mak aku dengar nih...)
2- Baca Quran more (for me and the baby...)
tu je la dulu.. :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
update diri yg malas bangatt
aisyah yang sgt malas da start writting again.. sbbnye.. malu ngan diri sendiri sbb poyo kunon nak write everyday even a single sentence...
pastuh, even phuket pics pun x update lagi... you can see pics at harizah's fotopages.
and.... most of my close frens.. hmmm actually yg gi phuket tu je yg tau...
I'M PREGGIE lagi!!!
heheheh baru sebulan lebih da kecoh kan? yupp!! you know why? because i seriously hate the morning sickness and the tiada selera makan... gishhhhh x leh masuk nasik putih langsung! mana buleh!!! this is pure malay tummy... (nak buat camne baby aku omputih)
oh jap.. i have to attend this stoooopeed meeting plaks. ya Allah boringnye!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ laters
aisyah yang sgt malas da start writting again.. sbbnye.. malu ngan diri sendiri sbb poyo kunon nak write everyday even a single sentence...
pastuh, even phuket pics pun x update lagi... you can see pics at harizah's fotopages.
and.... most of my close frens.. hmmm actually yg gi phuket tu je yg tau...
I'M PREGGIE lagi!!!
heheheh baru sebulan lebih da kecoh kan? yupp!! you know why? because i seriously hate the morning sickness and the tiada selera makan... gishhhhh x leh masuk nasik putih langsung! mana buleh!!! this is pure malay tummy... (nak buat camne baby aku omputih)
oh jap.. i have to attend this stoooopeed meeting plaks. ya Allah boringnye!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ laters
Thursday, April 10, 2008
phukettt.. at last
makan yg to me mahai itu..
hehehe.. suke aku gamba nih... cam serious je discussion... auntie noori tanye pasal bf kot.. tu yg sipu2 tuh.. heheh :)
dalam tuk tuk
cess.. muke letih dan leh lak shopping centre nih tutup! :(
hmm.. the planning was forever! dgn confirm x confirmnye.. but fortunately datang jua harinya dan bertolaklah kami bertujuh ke phuket... 7 u ask?
trip jemaah-
ketua rombongan- Kemat & Isteri
tour guide- harizah
plain vanilla tourists- Myself, me hubby ikan and me baby aqish and Chot
kire the place not bad.. a bit far ~500m from beach tapi ok lah sbb we are forced to jejalan and see scenery... we stayed at Deevana Patong.
anyways, it was a fun trip walaupun x dapat jalan byk sgt... dok kejap je kate. 3 days 2 nites
well, if we ever visit here again, definitely will have to go to the island hopping thingy.. cam best je.
the beach- nicey!
the food- nicey gak tapi a bit more expensive than we had thot...
the stay- patong area rocks! a lot of night scenes.. heheh suke la kemat and ikan tu
the shopping- not so much
the ride- seronot gler naik tut tut.. hahahah cam jakun gile
the baby- cess! sib baik i cant dukung her much! she insisted on NOT walking! sian ikan kene dukung all the time.. siap sakit2 lengan die!
the massage- hahaha for ikan, kemat noori, and chot, i guess they enjoyed their thai massage
aku urut kaki je due to my condition nih.. tapi berbaloi cause it was just what i need :)
okey. theres my summarise version of phuket.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Farewell my 1st BOSS...sob sob
Last week- 5th March, it was our farewell dinner with the Boss.. we ate at chilli's, together with celine and my birthday... hahaha beli kek untuk diri sendiri.. huhuhuhu
well.. i'm gonna miss andrew as my boss-that im sure coz he's a good boss. fyi, andrew is my 1st and only boss as of today sbb this is my 1st job...
the irony is.. we joined AmInvest the same day, 2nd Sept 2003 and this year will genap my 5th year here.. hahaha ade suare2 sumbang asking me whether i will follow in Denise' footsteps.. exit at 5..kuang kuang kuang... we'll see about that...
back to the chilli's dinner...

and here's our last team picture... (sim replacing celine)

bye2 andrew! :(
well.. i'm gonna miss andrew as my boss-that im sure coz he's a good boss. fyi, andrew is my 1st and only boss as of today sbb this is my 1st job...
the irony is.. we joined AmInvest the same day, 2nd Sept 2003 and this year will genap my 5th year here.. hahaha ade suare2 sumbang asking me whether i will follow in Denise' footsteps.. exit at 5..kuang kuang kuang... we'll see about that...
back to the chilli's dinner...

and here's our last team picture... (sim replacing celine)

bye2 andrew! :(
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Brain Test
My Result: Left-brained
Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others.
It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.
It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.
What are you?

Thursday, January 24, 2008
huhuhu.. seronotnye thaipusam holiday nih... our project- nasi beriani. yg ayam dalam nasik punye...
ikan download recipe from the internet...around 10am. kuar from umah around 11am, gi cari barang2 untuk masak beriani. x jauh, jusco cheras selatan je..
left jj around 3 (huh.. lamanye ok jj~) actually, alang2 gi shopping brg lunch, better shopping barang umah skali.... senang.
project beriani completed at 6pm. heheh tapi tunggu perut lapaq sket baru nak makan..
i tell you! i loved it! untuk 1st timer, this i got to puji! heheh kire, we were really satisfied la with the outcome! hehehe
ikan download recipe from the internet...around 10am. kuar from umah around 11am, gi cari barang2 untuk masak beriani. x jauh, jusco cheras selatan je..
left jj around 3 (huh.. lamanye ok jj~) actually, alang2 gi shopping brg lunch, better shopping barang umah skali.... senang.
project beriani completed at 6pm. heheh tapi tunggu perut lapaq sket baru nak makan..
i tell you! i loved it! untuk 1st timer, this i got to puji! heheh kire, we were really satisfied la with the outcome! hehehe
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
god bless my hubby...
thank you Allah for sending him to me...
you know why ikan is the best husband?
last nite i had a migraine attack.. tetibe je kene. xde possible cause that i could think of..
so, biasela.. i straight away went to bed. dgn still pakai baju kerje n all...
sian aqish cause i didnt layan her at all.. ade la tapi most of the time forcing her to sleep as well.. budak tu da la rindu nak memain ngan parents... mama die plak xleh bukak mata..
and ikan... he was really really hungry last nite. i wanted to cook for him tapi mmg x terdaya.. pity him sbb had to prepare his own dinner. kitorg bring foward pasta nite sbb hahaha beras da habis. nyeh nyeh.
anyways.. i could smell the wanginess of his cooking.
and.. he put aqish to bed.
and he put blanket on me.
and he woke up early, waking me up nicely and cheerfully.
and then he tapau my breakfast---- baked macaroni from last nite..
IT WAS DELICIOUS! rugi beb x dinner skali malam tadi.. heheh
well, anyway, thank you my lovely ikan.. i love you even more everyday!
(da la cute as hell... hehehe)
you know why ikan is the best husband?
last nite i had a migraine attack.. tetibe je kene. xde possible cause that i could think of..
so, biasela.. i straight away went to bed. dgn still pakai baju kerje n all...
sian aqish cause i didnt layan her at all.. ade la tapi most of the time forcing her to sleep as well.. budak tu da la rindu nak memain ngan parents... mama die plak xleh bukak mata..
and ikan... he was really really hungry last nite. i wanted to cook for him tapi mmg x terdaya.. pity him sbb had to prepare his own dinner. kitorg bring foward pasta nite sbb hahaha beras da habis. nyeh nyeh.
anyways.. i could smell the wanginess of his cooking.
and.. he put aqish to bed.
and he put blanket on me.
and he woke up early, waking me up nicely and cheerfully.
and then he tapau my breakfast---- baked macaroni from last nite..
IT WAS DELICIOUS! rugi beb x dinner skali malam tadi.. heheh
well, anyway, thank you my lovely ikan.. i love you even more everyday!
(da la cute as hell... hehehe)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
it has been a long time since we'd cook dinner. i think it was since hari raya i guess.. adela masak2 but mostly are simple mimple dishes like daging masak cili, and mesti sayur kobis goreng ngan telur... gishhh sian ikan had to endure all that..
well, last nite, actually, it was our new year sort of reso. starting back our hobby- masak memasak. (last time time kat USJ, we used to cook a lot..). back to last nite, i had so much fun eating! xde la grand benar tapi da nak warm up balik dah..
lauk last nite:
1- Sup daging
2- Ayam teloq faryna
3- Sambal ikan bilis
4- Sayur- kailan rebus
sikit je kan..? hahah tapi nampak la lengkap sikit dr the past 2 months nih...
and definitely, no KOBISSSS. da sick n tired of this.
wuhuuu and u know what.. aqish loves the kailan! sebok mengendeng kat abah die tunjuk kat pinggan kailan sambil..'nih, nih... nak nih.. nak nak'
tonite is Pasta Nite. xtau nak masak apa.. i only have spegs and macaroni. hmm.. boring la asek marinara je.. mac n cheese baru je minggu lepas... so.. wat next?
so this weekend, nak masak kuih apa ek?
well, last nite, actually, it was our new year sort of reso. starting back our hobby- masak memasak. (last time time kat USJ, we used to cook a lot..). back to last nite, i had so much fun eating! xde la grand benar tapi da nak warm up balik dah..
lauk last nite:
1- Sup daging
2- Ayam teloq faryna
3- Sambal ikan bilis
4- Sayur- kailan rebus
sikit je kan..? hahah tapi nampak la lengkap sikit dr the past 2 months nih...
and definitely, no KOBISSSS. da sick n tired of this.
wuhuuu and u know what.. aqish loves the kailan! sebok mengendeng kat abah die tunjuk kat pinggan kailan sambil..'nih, nih... nak nih.. nak nak'
tonite is Pasta Nite. xtau nak masak apa.. i only have spegs and macaroni. hmm.. boring la asek marinara je.. mac n cheese baru je minggu lepas... so.. wat next?
so this weekend, nak masak kuih apa ek?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Boogie nite for FMD
hohoho.. wat a parteyyyyyy!!
enuff said. i got myself a uniquely sexy tissue box.. hahah
and then, i got myself a RM100 isetan voucher.. thank god i got this one. i wouldnt want to win a travelling bag/ microwave oven/ coffee maker and all that stuff.. umah aku kecik, x tau mana nak letak..
anyways.. it was fun! the food? biase je.. rahsia...
the most adventurous part is that rite after the party, ikan together with aqish fetched me and straight we went climbing up genting highlands! huhuhu..
that was great too.. 1st time for aqish naik genting (takat awana je..) but still.. 1st time exposed to the cold weather.. she's ok, apart from a bit of coughing.. but she had fun la.. cam biase :)
enuff said. i got myself a uniquely sexy tissue box.. hahah
and then, i got myself a RM100 isetan voucher.. thank god i got this one. i wouldnt want to win a travelling bag/ microwave oven/ coffee maker and all that stuff.. umah aku kecik, x tau mana nak letak..
anyways.. it was fun! the food? biase je.. rahsia...
the most adventurous part is that rite after the party, ikan together with aqish fetched me and straight we went climbing up genting highlands! huhuhu..
that was great too.. 1st time for aqish naik genting (takat awana je..) but still.. 1st time exposed to the cold weather.. she's ok, apart from a bit of coughing.. but she had fun la.. cam biase :)
backdated- new year 2008
we had barbecue for our new year.. jemput belah seremban plaks.. plus kak lah kan.. (well, that is the only sister-and brother ikan has...)
hahaha what a splendid one it was!~ at 1st we thought that it might not turned out to be that great sbb 1st of all, kakak and her troops cant join sbb ade kenduri, then abg called, he cant make it sbb mariam and diha diarhea..
but.. syukur alhamdulillah.. the rest came and it was super duper fun! bebudak nih mandi sampai terbakar.. depa lak yg terbarbeque skali. nyeh nyeh (oh.. did i mentioned, it was by the pool- tu yg beriye cousins aqish nak join tuh..)

hahaha what a splendid one it was!~ at 1st we thought that it might not turned out to be that great sbb 1st of all, kakak and her troops cant join sbb ade kenduri, then abg called, he cant make it sbb mariam and diha diarhea..
but.. syukur alhamdulillah.. the rest came and it was super duper fun! bebudak nih mandi sampai terbakar.. depa lak yg terbarbeque skali. nyeh nyeh (oh.. did i mentioned, it was by the pool- tu yg beriye cousins aqish nak join tuh..)
im soo grateful.. hahah esok tu KERJE!!!
fuuuhhhh wat a day!
and my new year reso?---------- to keep being happy and grateful.! insyaAllah aminn
fuuuhhhh wat a day!
and my new year reso?---------- to keep being happy and grateful.! insyaAllah aminn
backdated- 29 Dec 2007 Kuantan
1st time Balqish ke Kuantan... what a trip!
sikitnye jauh jugak Kuantan nih eh.. heheh
but it was a nice trip.. bertolak around 10 am (kunon nak go around 6.30 am, pas subuh kunon).. nak jejalan kunon.. hahah tapi jalan2 juge..
like all pengantins, uncle faizal and aunt yati aqish tuh were stunningly beautiful... the majlis was quite simple (like most kenduri menyambut menantu...) but it was nice sbb sempat la jumpe pengantin and kenkawan pengantin...
after all that, we went to Teluk Cempedak and there it was... Hyatt Kuantan. CESSS.. if i knew that its here and sooo dekat ngan umah faizal, i should have just stayed here. pehh.. rugi2.. aqish was happy, playing with the sands... sian je sbb mama x belikan die her digging and pots stuff.. tapi die gembire je mama ngk... :)
it was a real fun..
sikitnye jauh jugak Kuantan nih eh.. heheh
but it was a nice trip.. bertolak around 10 am (kunon nak go around 6.30 am, pas subuh kunon).. nak jejalan kunon.. hahah tapi jalan2 juge..
like all pengantins, uncle faizal and aunt yati aqish tuh were stunningly beautiful... the majlis was quite simple (like most kenduri menyambut menantu...) but it was nice sbb sempat la jumpe pengantin and kenkawan pengantin...
after all that, we went to Teluk Cempedak and there it was... Hyatt Kuantan. CESSS.. if i knew that its here and sooo dekat ngan umah faizal, i should have just stayed here. pehh.. rugi2.. aqish was happy, playing with the sands... sian je sbb mama x belikan die her digging and pots stuff.. tapi die gembire je mama ngk... :)
xde timba, sandal pun jadi la...
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