Thursday, April 5, 2012

oops.. was i responsible?

remember the 'odd song'?

i watched the video at home so that the videos are not interrupted. so, basically, when i watched it, my kids are there with me- especially aqish.

(p.s: the original video- the artistic one, 30% involves partial n.udity. I always order aqish to close her eyes whenever she sees a lot of unnecessary flesh :p. it includes this one.)

but the thing is, she loves this song too. and between 2 of the most popular videos (one by gotye, one by walk of earth), she said she loves the video of the latter better but loves to hear the one by gotye and kimbra. she adores kimbra's voice and... eye lashes! "-_-

she is (like me...) addicted to this song (she actually disected the video- commenting on the voice (low, high), why a certain gesture, why the angst... i ended up explaining the meaning of the song. and now she is obsessed with 'stranger' and 'somebody i used to know'!)

so now, i am torn.

i am proud that she is actually analysing the song- picking up the words and asking me what it means. but at the same time- i am not 100% comfortable with the expossure of fleshes, eventhough it is not that vulgar.

i dont know, what do you guys think..? should i absolutely ban her from watching it?
(sebab, ade satu video of Selena Gomez's- love song tu, this girl was murdering(!) the boy, and once we noticed it, we banned them from watching, which they (aqish mostly) obliged)

but then, she loves kimbra.
i better wait for ikan to come back and decide, huh? susah betul bila jadi ibu tunggal ni :p

on another related note: the other video portrays the 'band'-WOE playing a single acustic guitar for the whole song. boleh plak aqish: "ma, kakak nak buat macam ni tapi nanti mama dah meninggal (?!) kakak x boleh berdiri pegang guitar lagi"
ok, aku memang konpius apa kait mengait tapi terkedu wo anak sebut pasal aku meninggal!
(tapi aku rase she was referring to when she is older like the woman in the video, aku may not be with her anymore)


rawsktar said...

adakah lagu yang dimaksudkan ialah sejenis lagu pop? kak ecah kena ajar dia dgr krenberi ni. ehem.

aisyah said...

hahaha, pastu die sorang je pernah dengar apa itu cranberries bile kat sekolah :p