Wednesday, March 28, 2012

jinx of giddiness.

after finishing Collins' first in her trilogy, i thought i need some time to neutralize my emo.. but, it was, seriously a good book. i indeed intend to watch the movie.

during my so called 'relaxation', i read 2 crappy books.

one was by kleypas- rainshadow road
another was by sarah maclean- a rogue by any other name.

sux.sux.sux. both of them.

i cant believe i wasted ~rm70 for those two. thankfully kino gave 20% discount off for both. or else, i might have wasted rm90!

maybe my expectations were a bit high.. i mean.. kleypas?? now she prattles on magic. next book in the series will be on ghosts. seriously?? (but i will still buy and follow though-- yep, hypocrite that i am :p)

for maclean, i dont think i will be following her anymore. i love her first novel- 9 rules.. but i have read her 2 books completing the series and it didnt do it for me. i rolled my eys like frequently!

i am returning to Collins. huzzah!


Snuze said...

Holy God! What are the odds that we read the same book at roughly the same time?

*is weirded out*

Lucky piggy that is me, I got both books for free, courtesy of my cousin. Yes, I am gloating.

I quite like where Kleypas went with Rainshadow Road ... I prefer to think of the magic as metaphorical where they found some beauty in the ugliness of their lives. I like that for once her heroine is a little neurotic, that her hero is damn clueless that he was falling in love and that he fuckin' cried at the airport.

*pumps fist*

Yes, I am a sadist, why do you ask?

Sarah Maclean never did anything for me. I find her characters too ... wan? Not nicely fleshed out, with conflicting motivations and sometimes just blah. But hey, free book.

*rubs more salt into Aisyah's wound*

aisyah said...

nope. im over it. *trying to hide wincing*

i want to be your cousin's cousin too! me like free books. truly me do! :p