Friday, March 9, 2012

yesterday was my birthday :)

okay, my husband is still away in that hutan of his. so sorrow's still there albeit not that strong (cause he's coming back tonite! yeay!!)

the thing about your birthday is, it always have the effect of joy and happiness within you.
you know the whole sorrow thing from my previous post (yeah, that one).
at night that day (my birthday eve), just before i went to sleep, i thought of how even more melancholy i would be feeling on my birthday sebab i really really miss ikan. i didnt even expect to receive any call from him, considering he might not have any phone signals whatever. i went to sleep at 9.30pm. (deng early huh?)

during my sleep, i vaguely remembered someone called and sang me a birthday song.
that morning, i recalled i think ive spoken with my husband, yeayy!

BUT! thats not my point. my point is, from the moment i woke up, i have this giddy feeling that wont go away.

eventhough, i woke up late.. and, due to rain, i was stuck in traffic. PLUS! the smart tunnel was activated for the flood hence arriving more than late at the office. and then, arriving at the office, some 'negative air' was sensed cause few of my colleagues werent satisfied with our boss. and later, in the afternoon, there's this whole compliance issue to resolve.

albeit all that, i was somehow...still in goodmood for the enitre day! every second of the day!

well, apart from lots of wonderful things happened as well. but the point is, birthdays are nice. you are divinely optimistic in everything.

wished that everyday is my birthday. heh :p

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