Wednesday, November 16, 2011

why the previous post.

i am those weird people who liked to read and re-read and re-read what i write. then silently comment on them but never had the effort and energy to actually amend them, well.. unless it was a very BIG embarassing mistake..

there. tu je nak tambah on the previous post. Glad some like to read my ramblings. hahah i do too. wakakaka (weird mode on)

i suddenly remembered a memory on being weird. i am not scared nor ashame to admit that i am. its like, everybody is weird in their own way, right? (RIGHT! dont you dare contradict! you may have at least one habit that may rise an eyebrow or two.. hehe)

it wasnt a significant memory though. when i was in smap, i had this secret crush on this one fellow. dont know why i 'minat' him in the first place, other than he is VERY fair. hahaah. oh, and shy, i guess. thats another thing about me. i tend to have secret crushes on shy guys (ok, 2 je secret crushes :p. only one ended up shackled to ngeee~~ :) )

anyway, i dont think this guy ever knew i liked him during my 5 years in smap- crush lasted for 4 years only. heh. it ended when i gave my 'autograph' book for him to jot something . he has VERY nice handwritting. (ooh, btw, most smapian girls know this- buku autograf. hik hik embarassing gile bile ingat balik!!)
anyway, when he returned my book, i was only looking forward for him to like write a half pager thing, saying maybe 'good  luck' or some other goodbye cliches. Instead, he wrote about 2-3 pages kot.. kinda gurly, huh? lol! but, he did mentioned in one of his many many sentences, that he thought i was weird. he wanted to tell me why but then he wrote, nevermind. (wtf?)

yes, aisyah was quite the vindictive-pehal-ko kinda girl back then. ok, vindictive sounds so harsh. no, what i was then, like any homely girl that age who was just given a negative remark by her secret crush was devastated! but i didnt tore up his pages though. i wasnt that heartbroken. but it did end my crush on him. darn.. such a pretty face. hik hik. (babe ikan, you wouldnt mind i put this up right?)

but, thinking back, being weird is not so bad. its part of who you are. and, if your partner loves you regardless (or because...), then all the better.


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