Thursday, November 10, 2011


it has been a while since me and the family visited Mines.. walaupun depan rumah je...
anyway, me and aqish's favourite place to singgah everytime we go there is G.ramedia. (Ikan's challenger)

last nite, we went there to search some sticker papers for kakmah's impending kenduri.. and we had the shock of our lives! (ok lah, xde la shock but suprised, nonetheless)

G.ramedia is closing! sobs sobs!
all the books are already in boxes, most stationaries are discounted up to 70%.. some books are discounted up to 90%! ohhh darn! (on the closing, not on the discounted items)

anyway, you guys, if you want to go there for the last time, theres some interesting stationaries there and cheap.
xde mood aa. sedihs. EXCEPT! kalau die ganti dgn Kino or Book Excess or Payless Books. ha, then i would definitely celebrate. janganlah P.opular! epic fail, ok?! heh :p 

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