Tuesday, October 4, 2011

i am definitely not fit for the job...

For background, I work in Product Development under the Sales & Marketing Division for my bank. It didn’t started out as a dept under S&M but somehow rather (which I understand and fully agree) the dept is sucked into the Sales Division. Basically developing products for the sales people to sell..

And you know la, the traits for being a relationship manager (they call themselves these days…).. i.e. sales people. Always charming, kissing Ses and stuff..
But, I just couldn’t, you know?
(no, I am not doing sales but the culture of being customer friendly must be applied to all in the division..)

Heck, if someone is being seriously stupid, xde koje aku nak ikut je.
And, being bitchy pregnant didn’t help either. So, instead of being a dotty little thing, smiling and yess’ing to everyone, I held my freakin stance and have my word. Lantaklah kalau kau x setuju.

Ok, cerita die senang je. For the last 3 months of my pregnancy, I asked the Admin manager if there is a parking space in the building I can subscribe to for only 3 months. The manager seemed accommodating and understanding.

The stooopod parking officer however, didn’t. If there is indeed no parking space for my request, just say so.
There’s no need to penalise me for other tenants refused to surrender their parking card with the same request of temp parking.
Elok2 I have to pay rm400, tetiba this freaking guy is asking me rm700, fearing that I will continue my subscription even after the 3 months ended. Even, after I told him that I don’t intend to pay the monthly fee when I go off my maternity and definitely will surrender it (I mean, kalau I x surrender, you will forfeit my card deposit, kan????) I mean, how much of security do you want?

But, I suspect, this is a typical male being controlling.. saje nak tunjuk ‘I-control-every-freakin-thing’. Bloody! I don’t NEED the parking dumb S!

Hahaha. Terlari dari tajuk..
My point was to say- I sucked in being polite (kiss Ser) to the stupidest people. Hence, I am definitely not the job for Sales.
(I know, I know, this is a bad trait as you need to treat ALL people nice, even the stupid ones.. but really???) ok lah, I’ll try harder, demit!


asmasalleh said...

woho... ganazzz.. kekekeke.. terbaek!

aisyah said...

hahah... x tau le semah. this pregnancy lebih membitchykan kite :p
especially to guys.. hahah

oh well...