Wednesday, September 21, 2011

meh kite bercakap pasal birth control...

Tapi, warning awal2, ini bukan essay ilmiah. Ni essay bual kosong. There.

Apart from getting the baby boy news, me and the gynae had a brief discussion on the types of birth control I should be planning to use.

1-       Condom & withdrawal- since these were the methods we used after Busyra, which was proven to be ineffective, so kite pangkah this one siap2.
2-       Pills- Memandangkan I am not a discipline person when it comes to pills (even my vitamins pun…) oh well, lets just conclude I don’t do pills well. Although, for you guys yang have absolute no problem when it comes to discipline eating pills, this one is good. Good for your skin and… uhm.. I forgot. But something good. But then, I heard testimonials from friends that their libido went down the hill.. its hard for the woman (I think the word was ‘dry’ x salah) when with the husband.
3-       IUD Copper- the word copper itself dah membuatkan aku terkedu. Wait till you look at the deng thing (go to the nearest LPPKN clinic..) scary I tell you!!. But the risks- hilang dalam rahim, period x menentu, and scar dlm rahim… urghhhhh x mau la..
4-       IUD Silicon- RM800 for 5 years. Hilang dlm rahim, period x tentu sket.. apa lagi ntah.. tapi x banyak sangat side effect..
5-       Implanol- hormonal patch implanted under your skin.. the side effects? Gemok and …. Wait for it.. tumbuh jerawat. Ikan dengar je jerawat terus ‘no, no, no’ cam die plak yg nak amek…
6-       NuvaRing- this one.. I think I might choose. You insert it in ur vajayjay yourself setiap 1hb and keluarkan setiap 22 hb. Still hormone base.. and not so much of side effects… BUT!!! I cant breastfeed if I am using, some more, it will likely decrease the milk production.

Hmmm… susah kan nak buat decision? I don’t want to ‘ikat’ yet… we are only 31. mana tau by 35/ 36 terasa rindu nak ade anak kecik… which I always hear from married people that age…

What to do what to do..


napish said...

yang injection every 3 moths tu falls under which category?

aisyah said...

oops.. tertinggal. eh, tapi macam x terdiskas plak ari tu.

hmm.. nanti aku tanye balik ikan, die ingat x..

rawsktar said...

i use the first one. :D terbukti effective for me.

takut nak makan bendasing masuk badan kan?

cakap byk plak kita. hihihi.

napish said...

anness apsal makan? anak first jgn control2..dah dapat baru kontrol

aisyah said...

anness effective sebab laki die selalu xde :p heheh no offense dear! but bak kata kak noori, why nak control?

rawsktar said...

kita tak makan apa2 kak. kita guna plastic sheet. hahahhaha. sebab nak honeymoon.

skang dh over dh honeymoon. skang dh jadi hornymoon. doakan kejayaan kita. hahahahahaah