Monday, August 22, 2011

Cookies for My Bees

I promised Aqish I’d bake the Famous Amos cookies for her. I somehow misplaced the original recipe.. (I haven’t made them for at least a year!). I told her that I don’t have the recipe. You know what she said?


‘Dekat computer kan ada, Ma? Carik je..’


*scratches my head..

how in the world does she know that we can search recipes in the net??


Anyway, here’s the recipe gotten from the net, as advised by Aqish:


1 bar butter (approx 250g)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla essence
2 cups plain flour
2 1/2 cups oatmeal, blended to powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
340g chocolate chips
250g Chocolate bar, grated
100g nuts (your choice), chopped


1. Preheat oven at 190C
2. Cream the butter and both sugars
3. Add eggs and vanilla, mix evenly
4. Fold in flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda.
5. Add chocolate chips, grated chocolate bar and nuts. Mix well (I used my hands in a food grade plastic bag, as it is too thick for my mixer).
6. Roll into small balls (around 1 inch in diameter) and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet/tray.
7. Bake for 10 minutes at 190 C.


When the cookies are removed, they are soft. But when left cool, it will harden up and become slightly crisp outside (but chewy inside).


I know its kinda last minute but trust me, its all easy peasy! J



rawsktar said...

kak, kalau mcm ni dapat berapa bijik cookies mookies?

aisyah said...

dapat banyak.. heh membantu x?

i think dalam 2/3 balang kot. it all depends on the size of the balls you make. the tinier, the more. the bigger, less.

tapi akak selalu buat half the recipe utk normal consumption. kalau raya boleh aa kot buat full.

rawsktar said...

tapi seriously, senang ke?

*org2 pertama kali nk cuba mmg songeh.

aisyah said...

sirius sh*t senang gler.

just make sure by the time you masukkan tepung and nuts, jgn bantai beriye, kire bagi die gaul mesra je.. chewahh.

jgn sampai mixture tu jadi bersatu.. huh.. paham x?
sebab nanti biskut jadi lembut cam kek. :p

try la. akak pernah buat sambil prepare sahur. :)