Thursday, June 16, 2011

something serius plak.

I was actually writing about how crazy I am during pregnancy (lol! De ja vu 4 kali…)


Anyway, I secara x sengaja bagi comment kat one of my senior’s fb.. pasal se.xual edu.cation.

Which, of course aku sangat setuju. Well, apparently ada la yg x setuju kan?


But seriously guys? Frens? Don’t you think this is important?


Ok, this might be only MY opinion.. but I strongly feel that girls need to know true knowledge about their bodies and not to hear and trust rumors and gossips. That is very dangerous, you know.


I remembered when I was still in SRK. K.GV.. there was this girl- my age.. she told everyone that she was ‘raped’ by her uncle. Everyone believed her. She said she got pregnant what not. We believed her. Oklah, that was masa derjah 6.. the only ilmu we had was on our monthly periods. Looking back, I seriously don’t know why she told us that story… did she ever.. I mean, being ‘raped’? or was this girl seeking attention and pity or what other non real reason. I hope and seriously think (now, I mean..) that she wasn’t tho..


Then, when I was in SMAP, there’s this ‘dara’ prank.. wtf betul.. we ofkos, knew we were all virgins.. but then this prank started saying that due to the lack of whatever signs, you are actually NOT a virgin. Believe it or not, most of us believed it on the spot.. some cried, wanted to run from school. See? This is all because of lack of knowledge. The prankster herself pun aku badget tertipu jugak but sebab die kene dulu, then she has the advantage of conning other people.


The thing is.. you want our girls to protect their virtue tapi to me, just implanting the idea, semaikan iman, basically based on believe are not enough. They need to know what they are guarding. What happens to their bodies. Basically, they need to know consequences after certain actions.. in this case penetration. And the danger of it.


Bukan kita nak ajar supaya they can circumvent being pregnant and allow penzinaan, but we are telling them what is there inside them, what happens to their bodies and be confident with it, cherish it, love it. The saying ‘kalau x kenal maka x cinta’ also applies here. What is there to cherish when you don’t know it well enough?


The moral decision of what they want to do with their bodies is where the semaian iman comes to play.


Well, this is all IMHO. Up to everyone’s opinion. But you bet your S that I will have this talk to my daughters. Don’t want them to hear stories about sex, pregnancies from their friends.. ;)






rawsktar said...

sapa dara prankster? hahahaah

aisyah said...

Haha ness, da x ingat sapa la