verdict- ok la. biase je. aku dapat voucher lagi... better la dr dapat coffe maker?? ishh

the CEO.. Datin
and menyelit itu unfortunately is my boss, yg i dok cerita itu :p

Yasotha, me and Tun. called him Tun sbb his name is Maha.thi.r Bin Mohd. El.ias.
hahaha guessed his dad's a fan of the former tun kan?
Here's a video of.. an embarassing XXX.. aiyoh!! adakah aku staff die???
ok la.. they invited this dance gurus to perform and gave us some 101 merengge llessons.. i think that is how you spell it. kinda fun.. esp when the ED announced the company's PBT of ~RM36mil. whoaa.. thats cool memandangkan what a crapy year everyone went thru. buttt.. unfortunately i x dapat nak merase that piece of 36mil cause of the resignation thingy.. lantakla. i have to get my S moving la.. :)
1 comment:
kak ecah.
ni ha link den.
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