sowweeeyyy abah...
for the last 1 month or so.. aku yg asek blamming my morning sickness ini (and to add malas cam biase...) woke up verrrrry late.. pastuh, slalu gak ter miss subuh (so not proud of it.. and some more membuke pekung kepada sumer org..).. well balik2 citer..
so, last nite me and my big mouth pun tanye la my 'recently-macam=xde=mood' hubby... that why is he always x happy je nampak..
hambek ko! aku yg kene marah! the reason? aku slalu bangun lambat and x solat subuh.. (memang wajar to be scolded at rite?) kalau kecik2 dulu parents marah, besar panjang husband lak marah... wah wah wah teruknye perangai aisyah.. isk isk isk
even tho last nite i was a bit furious (hehehe a bit ke..?).. but pagi nih i felt that i MUST change.. betul la kate ikan..
1- why shud i be using the morning sickness to justify my missing out on my solats
2- he has the rights to scold me sbb He is the Ketua Keluarga
3- It doesnt look good to our kids (chewahhhh.. da berangan...)
sorry la abah.. last nite i was emo and cant handle criticism... after a goob nite sleep... i see it clearer.. AND.. my reso from today (x yah tunggu awal muharram )
1- No matter what, JANGAN TINGGAL SOLAT (magha mak aku dengar nih...)
2- Baca Quran more (for me and the baby...)
tu je la dulu.. :)